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Website design that works for you!
I’ve helped over 200 small business owners thrive in their markets by designing catchy websites and optimizing their online presence.
Most websites are confusing.
Traditional websites don’t work anymore. Old website design methods cause frustration, high bounce rates, and kill brands. Whether you’re an accountant or a painter, if your website isn’t clear and engaging, you’re not going to be rewarded like you deserve.
3 Things every website should BE

You need to tell people what you do.
But you may be too close to what you offer, which may make you blind to the disconnects, over-explanations, and unclear language.
People don’t really read word-for-word online. Instead, they scan. In fact, a Nielsen study revealed your visitors only read 20 to 28 percent of the words on your site. That means you have got to scrap the long blocks of text. People will skip them because it uses too much of their brainpower.
Get profoundly simple and clear in the way you describe your services. Cut out detail until it hurts. If you want to add detail, put it in a pop-up window like I’ve done here. This keeps the site clean and easy to navigate.
It may take you a while to find the words that capture it clearly and simply. But when you do, your website should pass this test:
Find a friend who doesn’t know your business. Ask them to look around your home page for 10 seconds. See if your friend can tell you exactly what you do and how you help potential customers.
Tell your customer what you can do for them using clear language.

Why do potential customers end up selecting you instead of a competitor? It’s because your customer had a problem, and they thought your product or service would resolve it.
Get specific about your customers’ problems right there on your website. They’ll pay attention and remain on your site when they see that you understand exactly what they’re struggling with.
Show them your process. Keep it simple, but let them know what to expect.
Recognize your customers’ problems and guide them on how your services solve it.

Why do websites fail? They don’t boldly call people to take action.
What is your primary goal in your new website design. What do you want your site visitors to do? “BUY NOW”? “SUBSCRIBE”? “MAKE AN APPOINTMENT?
You’ve got to make this call to action the most obvious thing on the site. Put it in the right-hand corner or at the top in a banner. Make it a color that stands out. Put it prominently on every page. Ask for their action and BE REWARDED with the leads you deserve.
Ask for their business by showing them your easy-
Do you have an out-of-date website that isn’t producing results?
Are you starting a new business that will be competing
with an established online business?
Creating purposeful website design starts with a quick chat about your online presence goals and budget to see how I can best assist you in the website design process.

Custom Website with your Content
On-page SEO, Hosting and Maintenance, and a user-friendly WordPress website design delievered after receiving your written content in a shared file.
Starting at $595

Purposeful Custom Website
Content writing implementing puposeful online strategies, On-page SEO, Hosting and Maintenance, and a user-friendly WordPress website design delievered within a few short weeks.
Starting at $1495 + $100 per hour
It's easy to get started.
Regardless of who you hire to design your new website, my free strategy session and follow-up will prove to be essential for your online success.

Strategy Session


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Strategy Session
Schedule your free 15 minute strategy session. We'll talk budgets, online marketing strategies and timelines. The quick chat is to let you know your in great hands moving forward. I want you to be successful with your new website.

After our first strategy session, I will follow up with training and guidelines guaranteed to inspire great content for your new website design. You can write your own content in a word doc. or hire me by the hour to assist in writing your new website content and/or developing lead generating strategies.

Get Estimate
Once we have all your text, images and site planned, you'll receive an estimate attached to an agreement that covers my website design responsibilities and payment terms (usually broken down in phases).

The website design process usually takes 2-4 weeks after all text and images have been received. I deliver the website to your domain. You own the website and its rights 100%. I offer hosting and weekly maintenance to clients who would like my continued website support and expertise.
Do you where potential customers spend most of their time when they visit your home page?

Website Design Tips for Above the Fold
How do smart businesses capture your attention using website design?
Here’s a great formula to start with:
- Headline. What is the end-benefit you’re offering in one short sentence? It can mention the product and/or customer. Make it an attention grabber.
- Sub-headline or a 2–3 sentence paragraph. A specific explanation of what you do/offer, for whom, and why it’s useful.
- 3-4 bullet points. List the key benefits or features.
- Visual. Images communicate much faster than words. Use icons and striking images to keep your website visitor engaged.
People are visual creatures, and the web is a visual medium. A stunning image can sometimes do more to persuade a website visitor to stay than words can.
However, if you can blend the right words with the right imagery, you have a strong lead tool at your disposal.
The above the fold content needs to contain a strong value proposition that explains to the user exactly what the page can offer. A value proposition is something real humans are supposed to understand.
Your value proposition needs to be in the language of your customer. It should join the conversation that’s already occurring in the customer’s mind. To do that, you need to understand the language your customers use to define your services and how they benefit from it.
What makes a great value proposition?
- Clarity! It’s easy to understand.
- It communicates the tangible results a customer will get from your products and/or services.
- It says how it’s different or better than the competitor’s proposal.
- It can be read and understood in about 5 seconds.
Get a website that works.
Your website should be stealthily working for your business around the clock so you can focus on what you do best. Optimize your online presence today using proven website design strategies that help potential customers find your website, understand your services, and generate a steady flow of leads.
Let me help you capture your customer’s attention with a website design that works for you!
Chat with Mary!
Set up your free 15 minute strategy session.