Yes, I want a website that works!
Clear Messaging + SEO + Design = Your Success!

If You Gig, You need a Band Web Site. Period.

Without a band web site, you lack credibility.

$185 Band Websites

Young bands always have a hard time booking venues. No one has heard of you. You are still building your social media. You have a few decent videos, but they are scattered all over YouTube…

But You Are a REAL Musician!


1. Make Great Music. There is no fast lane on the Internet.

2. Get a  Band Web Site  ( a Real One that You  Can Customize).

3. Focus on tangible items you can sell, cds, t-shirts and other merchandise.

4. Use the web as your PR machine through ACTIVE social media. Feed all the traffic back to your website… building your new band web site as a powerful asset.

band web site

If you make great music, people can and will find you.

Mistakes to avoid in Social Media

1.Not thanking your fans in social media. Treat people like you would like to be treated. Hit the like button more often.

2.  Support other bands. Network.

3. Quit talking about yourself all the time. If you want people to support your band, create 2-way conversations.

If you are listening to other bands music online, comment. This is the easiest way to network. You would be surprised how many look you up. That is all free traffic to your band web site!

Get a Band Web Site for $185 HERE 

Wichita Website Design OR Contact Mary for Ideas:

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COOL Band Tip: Brand Your YouTube Channel and Have it Connected to Your Band Web Site. In the description of EVERY YouTube video, leave your full url link to your band web site.  Comment on other videos from other bands. Build a strong YouTube presence by being active. Watch the traffic to your band web site increase!

Designing a Great Band Web Site

Your band web site should be user friendly. Often you see a band web site where they try to cram everything on the front page. Considering the 10 second rule (which states you only have 10 seconds to get your website visitor’s attention, this seems to make sense at first glance. The problem with this rule is that too many elements compete for the user’s attention. The purpose of your bands’ website is to create a visitor experience that keeps them there. An experience that allows them to dig deeper… really get to know you and your band.

Your Band Website is Too Cluttered if:

  • Visitors regularly ignore important things on your band web site
  • Visitors do not click on links to your music… and actually listen! ( I have found this often on ReverbNation where you can see you gained a fan, but your song play remians the same.
  • Visitors leave the page too fast.
  • Your band web site has more information on one page than your top competition.

How Often Do You Update Your Band Web Site?

The band that takes the time to add new gigs, pictures, press releases and music videos will get their fans coming back.  Often bands make the mistake of treating their band web site like it is print media… set in stone. Think about the websites you re-visit on a regular basis. Would you re-visit your band web site if the content remained the same?!

Things to Avoid on Your Band Web Site:

  • Too many banners: this is visually distracting. This is tacky. This is a BIG NO, No!
  • Flash Movies: Yes, they may look cool at first, but they absord load time and become annoying to your fans as they revisit your site to get to important information.

Get a Band Web Site for $185 HERE

Do’s and Don’t to Writing Your band’s About Page:

DO tell them how you sound. Use creative descriptive words that resonate with your visitor.

DO note your similarities with another famous band when applicable.

DO add your contact information to your Bio page.

DO be yourself. Personality sells!

DON’T say you are so unique that you do not fit into a specific genre. it’s okay to be compared to someone. It also helps your visitor to understand your musical goals.

DON’T write a book. A half a page is more than sufficient. If you are working with a band, break down the about page with each band member having a short description.

DON’T forget to include your contact information!