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Health Coach Websites:

How Your Website Design Can Generate Leads

Hi, I am Mary Volkmann. and I am a website designer that specializes in health coach websites. My article on how to start a health coach website includes:

Health Coach Logos: Setting a Tone for Your Brand
  • First, you’ll find out how many colors should be used in your health coach logo design, and why it is so important to keep your logo simple.
Health Coach Websites: Key Elements that Should be Above the Fold
  • Next, you’ll discover where your health coach leads spend 80% of their time, and where the best health coaching websites include their intro video and free offer for subscribing.
Health Coach Leads: Creating Sales Funnels within Your Domain
  • Most importantly, my tips will save you money on your health coach website design! ALWAYS use your website to build splash pages and NEVER buy lead pages that are hosted outside of your domain. Your goal should be to build content WITHIN your health coaching website design so you can build domain authority.
best health coaching websites

Health Coach Websites Built for Results You Can Track!

1. It’s important to have a health coach logo that has been designed specifically for website use.  I’m sorry, but that means no tagline… no clutter. REALLY edit yourself with this design using a maximum of 3 colors,because your designer will want to pull from this established color palette to make your website design flow. More importantly, you want to have a health coaching logo that is legible when viewed at 85px in height or less. Later in these tips, I am going to cover website real estate. Trust me, you do not want to abuse this precious space at the top.

If you already have something designed, but know it’s not right, JUST SCRAP IT! Ask your website designer to make you another one. But How much does a coaching logo cost? You may be surprised to hear a simple health coach logo usually starts under $100. A logo that incorporates a graphic reveals your expertise, whereas a script font combined with a modern font adds personality. AND Personality means Approachable!

Here’s a good example from Pro Coach Websites of a health coach logo for a website

health coach logo ideas

Get Inspired. Click Here to View More Health Coach Logos.

2. Secondly, Choose a TRUSTED, MOBILE FRIENDLY theme. You do not want to outgrow a theme. Choose a premium theme that is constantly updating and easy for you to use.

Because the best health coach websites are built on WordPress, you will want to set up hosting and have WordPress installed. Ask your website designer what hosting they recommend. Keep in mind, just because you bought your domain on GoDaddy, does not mean you should host it there. There may be a better, less expensive alternative for your health coach website.

Why do coaches use WordPress for their health coach websites?

Both website owners and Google love WordPress due to its user-friendly platform. You can add content, write blog posts, and even add SEO plugins to optimize your pages. The best part is most designers are trained in WordPress.

3.  You will want a really clean menu, too. Your health coach website should be easy to navigate. Use drop down menus or footer menus to declutter.  Preserve this top space for the most important tabs. Move all supporting content to a sub-menu.

4.  The next thing to do is incorporate a video. Introduce yourself with a spunky 45 second (or less) video. A video will help you attract better health coach clients. Unfortunately, videos take up a lot of real estate, therefore, I personally do not care for the look of a standard player. When you load a video onto WordPress, you will be limited to SIZE. Even worse, some WP theme players have BROWSER LIMITATIONS. That means some guests will not see your video due to their browser. What is the BEST solution for your video? Upload your health coach video intro to YouTube or Vimeo and attach it to a pop-up video light box to save space. It’s pretty cool because your visitors can click on an icon or image and your video will pop up to play automatically.

5.  Make sure you use a modern, skinny opt-in form to gain subscribers. Your health coach website designer should be able to style most subscribe service forms. It is important that your form is cohesive with your website design. I’ll note, using the code from your subscribe service will not work because most of their forms are bulky AND lack a modern feel.

subscribe form health coach websites

Generating Leads on Health Coach Websites

6.  Every great health coach website gives customers a reason to subscribe. Whether it is a FREE OFFER for an e-book or access to valuable content… these coaches get it! You already know this, but do you know how to protect that offer? Here’s the thing you’ll love, you do not need some fancy monthly system to accomplish this.

That’s right! All you need is a health coach website designer that can protect your content and allow access AFTER the subscribe. I want to stress, you SHOULD be keeping that content on your health coach website. You SHOULD NOT be spamming downloads within emails, because THAT is risky business with email providers.

That Covers Above the Fold for Health Coach Websites!

What? What the heck is the fold? No worries, I told you we were going to talk about the importance of real estate for your health coach website design, and you’ll soon grasp this. It’s just a marketing term applied to website design. Above the fold is the portion of the website that is visible WITHOUT scrolling. Here’s the scary part, your potential health coach customer will spend 80% of the time on this content. Really think about that. 80% of their time is not something you can afford to mess up. Doesn’t it stress the importance of carefully planning your FIRST IMPRESSION with an expert health coaching website designer?

ideas health coach websites


best health coaching websites

View a Live Health Coach Website

The Last 2 Health Coach Website Tips are REALLY Important.

7. What do you want your site visitor to do? Is your goal to get them to subscribe? Do you want them to contact you? OR do you want a potential client to contact you only after you attempted to gain a subscribe? These are your CALL to ACTIONS, and the best health coaching websites use a few of them sprinkled throughout their website.

Do you have kids? Sometime you sound like a broken record trying to get them to do something, but you do it because it works! The same principle holds true for customers researching health coaches. It is best to strategically place CTAs throughout your coaching website design without going go over board. Give reminders, but keep it classy. Stay away from long scrolling copy that reads like an infomercial. It’s a real turn off!

I personally prefer a consistent bottom CTA directed towards a contact page because your best clients ask questions before buying. The repeated CONTACT link in the menu, and then again at the bottom, will make it easy for potential clients to reach out. To reduce spam, the best health coach websites use a contact form instead of listing your email address within text.

Best Landing Pages for Health Coaching Websites

8. Finally, you’ll want to use landing pages. I would suggest hosting these on your main domain. I realize there are all these fun subscriptions for Lead Pages and Health coach website sales funnels, but YOU DO NOT NEED THEM. In fact, when a coach uses a lead page, you are actually taking your customer AWAY from your website and content. You’re taking them AWAY from your products. Why would you want to do that? Isn’t your goal to get them to your website?

Yes, you still need a handful of Health Coach Landing Pages that you can track results.

Landing pages health coach websites

Tracking your results is important. This is why so many successful health coaches use an expensive sales funnel. The good news is, YOU do not have to buy one. There’s a better way. Choose a WordPress theme (like Divi from Elegant Themes) with split testing capabilities included. Have your website designer create one or two for starters. These landing page links should not be included in your navigation. Use these pages as tools within your social marketing. They work, because they are designed to get an ACTION. Review your dashboard stats, tweak your pages, and you’ll start getting results from your health coach website.

health coach website designerI hope you found my overview on health coach websites to be both INFORMATIVE and very-DOABLE. I don’t want you to put off starting your health coach website any longer. I L O V E working with health coaches, and I’ve found they inspire me just as much as I inspire them! The first step is easy. I offer a free 15 minute consultation, so do not hesitate to contact me.

Mary Volkmann- Health Coach Website Designer

Free Health Coach Websites Available at Pro Coach